
Samsung 手機電池校正方法

1. 先把手機充電到100%,然後拔掉充電線。

2. 在待機情況下,到撥號界面輸入:*#0228# 來進入電池校正模式

3. 進入後點擊下方的Quick Start,屏幕會黑,按電源鍵就亮了,如果電量顯示不足100%,就繼續充電,然後重複前述過程,如果電量顯示100%,校正就成功了。

注意:點擊下方的Quick Start前一定要拔掉充電線,否則機子會顯示充電已滿100%(即便你充電才到80%,點擊Quick Start後也會顯示100%)。

Android Phone Useful Code

Display information and statistics like Phone Information, Battery Information, Usage of installed application and Wi-Fi info such as API, configurations and status

Display IMEI Number of the device

This dial command will take you to the service mode where you will be provided with options to carry out tests for screen, GSM, Audio,UMTS and more

Test for color, camera, sensor, vibration, speaker, S-Pen, touch and other

*#SELF# or *#7353#    
Test for Bluetooth, Vibration, Dimming, Camera, proximity Sensor and other

It gives details regarding battery charge condition, current value and average value of voltage & temperature and others.

Test for color, camera, sensor, vibration, speaker, S-Pen, touch and other

Display complete information regarding your camera. Please do not use Update camera firmware option unless you are a techi as the option will try to upgrade the camera firmware and may make your camera unusable. Other options are safe to try.

Factory format option. Take a backup of your files and settings before trying this option.

Offers quick backup of all your media files

Factory reset. Will reset your device to factory defaults settings there by removing the downloaded apps and configured settings. It will not remove any files from your SD card

For various audio tests

Display Wi-Fi MAC Address

Test for your GPS device

Test for Bluetooth

Bluetooth device address

Test for vibrations and backlight

For version of your touchscreen

test for touch screen

Version of your RAM

Test for Proximity Sensor

*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* 
Melody test

PDA and Phone Firmware Information

Displays Build Time and Change List Number

Display Product Code

View Phone Lock status

ShutdownApp. Offers option to shutdown device when END CALL Button is pressed for longer duration. Other options offers to create LOGCATD during phone boot up process